
Ms Emily Sammut

Ms Emily Sammut – Dietitian   Ms Emily Sammut is recognized as a Registered Dietitian by the Maltese Council for the Professions Complementary to Medicine. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science honours degree in Applied Food and Nutritional Sciences from the University of Malta and then went on to receive her Postgraduate Diploma in Dietetics. Ms…

Moira Sammut

Ms Moira Sammut – Counsellor Ms Moira Sammut is a teacher and counsellor by profession. She holds a B.Ed (Hons) and has taught both in secondary and the primary sector. She also holds a Post Graduate degree in Career Guidance and recently she has obtained a Masters Degree in Counselling. She has worked for the past years within…

Tilqim bla ħlas

Huwa pjaċir tagħna li ninfurmaw illi qed nikkollaboraw mas-sezzjoni tat-tilqim tad-Dipartiment tal-Kura Primarja sabiex noffru servizz ta’ tilqim fejn, min jitlaqqam ma’ jħallasx il prezz tal-vaċċin. Dan qed isir sabiex ngħinu sabiex tiżdied ir-rata ta’ tilqim f’Malta. Dan ifisser li l-unika pagament ikun ħlas ta’ vista normali iżda ma jsirx ħlas għal prezz tat-tilqima. Dan ifisser ffrankar…

Video Consultations

Book Online Video Consultation with Family Doctor – When unable to go out of doors you can still get doctors’ advice… Triggered by the COVID 19 Pandemic, it has been necessary to do some changes in our style of practice whilst maintaining highest level of service. The necessity of Social Distancing to avoid the spread…

Problemi tal-irgiel

You are invited to a talk by Mr Andrew Mercieca, Urologist.   Mr Mercieca will be speaking about common (urological) problems affecting men such as fertility issues, erectile dysfunction and prostate problems. Talk will be followed by time for audience to ask questions.   Date:                Thursday 10 May 2018 Time:               8:00 pm Venue:             Professional Services Centre –…

Uzu ta’ Facemask

L-użu ta’ facemask jew visor jibqa mandatorju għal min irid juża xi servizz mill-Professional Services Centre sa kemm jingħata avviż ieħor Grazzi tal-kooperazzjoni

Vaccination = Protection

Vaccination has revolutionised medical practice. It has managed to eliminate, or rather almost eliminated a number of very serious diseases…with one proviso. This is only true when and where community vaccination rates are high and maintained. We are indeed lucky to have access to a large number of safe and highly specific and highly effective…