Ms Nicolette Degabriele – Speech Therapist
Nicholette Degabriele is a Speech Language Pathologist.
She graduated with honours in 2016 and joined our team, at The Professional Services Centre, in 2017. At first, Nicholette started working as a Learning Support Assistant (LSA) with individuals with Autism and she showed particular interest in the way they exhibit behaviours in order to communicate their needs. Nicholette had the opportunity to complete an orientation course in different hospitals including Mater Dei Hospital and St Vincent de Paule. Moreover, she started working in Mount Carmel Hospital in July 2017 on a full-time basis. Here she meets and delivers services to adoloscents with social and pragmatic problems, as well as adults and elderly with receptive and/or expressive difficulties, and swallowing problems (dysphagia).
In addition to this, she provides assessment and therapy to children with speech and communication problems while giving support to their carers and siblings on how to deal with such situations; thus taking on a holistic approach towards the child’s progress.
For more information, please call us on 21453973 or email admin@pscdingli.com.
Ms Nicolette Degabriele, Speech Therapist, is available by appointment.
You may book your appointment from here.