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Psychiatric treatment applies a variety of treatment modalities, including medication and psychotherapy. These are all offered in the strictest confidentiality, with the aim to guide you through the recovery process.

Orthopedic Services

At The Professional Services Centre we strive to ensure prompt and professional orthopaedic care, in order to address your specific and individual needs

Couple and Family Therapy

The Systemic psychotherapeutic approach enables the use of the individual’s relationships as a resource to reduce stress and difficulties for all family members (or colleagues at the work place) to improve their quality of life.


At Professional Services Centre we offer a range of cardiology services for people suffering from problems related to the heart and circulatory system such as high blood pressure, angina, disturbance of rhythm and heart failure.

General Surgery

General surgery is the branch of surgery which focuses on many areas of the body including abdominal contents, including the oesophagus, stomach, small bowel, colon, liver, pancreas, gallbladder and bile ducts, thyroid gland and problems like herniae.


Achieving a healthy diet and lifestyle is the cornerstone of many diseases.